Where: Green Harbor, MA
What: Estimated over 140lb. 55" Blue Fin Tuna
Equipments Used
Rod: PSR 102-40C. G.Loomis
Reel: Saltiga 50. Daiwa
Jig: Brown Braid Jig 5 oz.
Line: 80 LB, Deep One Tuna Jigging Line + Tuf Line Plus 80 LB.
On Wednesday, September 17, 2008, we left
In the early afternoon, we decided to settle at the east side corner of P. Town approximately 5 miles away from harbor. I tried all the jigs I had in my possession, and ended up using a 5 oz. dark brown braided jig and a size 3/0 4X strong Gamakatsu treble hook. I went to the front of the boat and cast the jig. It sank well past 150 feet and then abruptly something, possibly a tuna, came and tugged at the jig while it was sinking. I swung my rod backward hard and hooked the fish. Then, the fish shook its head violently and bolted down towards the sea floor. Judging by the force in which the fish swam away, I knew that it was an extremely large fish. After a couple of more head shakes the continuous strain on my 80lb line had reached its breaking point, making it snap and releasing my catch. In the end, the fish was victorious, breaking my line and taking away one of my favorite jigs, which was probably still stuck in its mouth.
I didn’t take this as a defeat. Looking through my tackle box I found a jig that I previously caught a 77” blue fin with on another trip, tied it to my line, and cast again. After about 20 minutes of casting my jig almost hit bottom, when, finally I hooked another big one. It took about 10 painstaking minutes to haul him up to the surface and drag it on board. It ended up being a blue fin tuna weighing an impressive 140lbs and measuring 55”.